Natural Resource Planning & Permitting
​Windward has extensive experience working with the multidisciplinary teams of professionals, regulators, and operators that are often involved with the environmental permitting and planning process. We regularly complete a variety of natural resource related projects in the areas of: dredging, land development, infrastructure construction, energy, FERC Licensing Program among others. Program permitting experience includes, but is not limited to the following:
Section 7 and Section 10 consultation under the federal Endangered Species Act.
Section 404 permitting under the federal Clean Water Act.
All phases of Safe Harbor Agreements.
Permitting under the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
Managing and preparing NEPA, CEQA and other state statutory environmental documents.
Consultation under state administered land use and natural resources regulatory programs, including:
State endangered species acts
Lake and streambed alteration programs
Freshwater wetlands, flood hazard, and coastal and tidelands permitting